Forza All over the world
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- Zagreb (911 miles)
- Guangzhou (5884 miles)
- Paris (321 miles)
- Victoria Stadium, Gibraltar (1096 miles)
- Chernobly (1326 miles)
- San Francisco (5251 miles)
- Rome (991 miles)
- Atlanta (4134 miles)
- Wimbledon Mens Final (112 miles)
- Amsterdam (256 miles)
- Nottingham (0 miles)
- Paris (321 miles)
- Chernobyl (1326 miles)
- Porto (886 miles)
- Kiev (1354 miles)
- Milan (695 miles)
- Berlin (608 miles)
- Cairo (2269 miles)
FOREST AWAY: Newcastle United, Sunday 23rd February – Fan Guide
Almost 4 weeks ago, as I reckon most of you will know by now, I released my first book: ‘Trailblazers: The Groundbreaking History of Nottingham Forest’. Along with the fantastic feedback I’ve had, I’ve always enjoyed people popping a few ideas across about more examples of Forest’s pioneering. While the book mainly carries significant developments […]
FOREST AWAY: Fulham, Saturday 15th February – Fan Guide
I won’t be alone in wondering how things has transpired to mean I was still in the away end at Exeter past 11pm on a Tuesday evening. Clearly, our inability to overcome a spirited home side and Taiwo’s nasty injury meant that the delay couldn’t be helped, but it did once again throw up the […]